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Stacy Harrison - Freelance Photography
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Stacy Harrison - Freelance Photography
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Manchester Ink Link - Photos
Memorial wins 28-27 against South, can now earn playoff berth next week | Manchester Ink Link
Panthers somehow fall short vs. Memorial, 28-27
SIGN UP TO CONTINUEPrint Subscriber? Sign Up for Full Access!Please sign up for as low as 36 cents per day to continue viewing our website.Digital subscribers receiveUnlimited access to all stories from on your computer, tablet or smart phone.Access, view our digital edition or use our Full Access apps.Get more information at […]
Central beats Memorial in early Turkey Bowl instant classic | Manchester Ink Link
Spirit and sportsmanship: Seniors for the win in 2021 Memorial Crusaders Powderpuff Football Game | Manchester Ink Link
Hotel rooms are the new normal for hundreds of evicted families; hundreds more on waiting list | Manchester Ink Link
Classic cars on a classic Manchester Street | Manchester Ink Link
Celebrating education: ‘Communities become what they value – and what they celebrate’ | Manchester Ink Link
Sky Show draws thousands for a day of music and a night of fireworks | Manchester Ink Link
Cat Alley ribbon-cutting and refresh kick off Citywide Arts Festival | Manchester Ink Link
Building community – and hope – through global connections and basketball | Manchester Ink Link
Gridiron Gallery: First day of football practice as high school players prepare for fall season | Manchester Ink Link
Ink Link earns 19 NH Press Association Awards for 2021 reporting | Manchester Ink Link
Mayor Joyce Craig wins reelection; Trisciani, Levasseur win At-Large Alderman seats | Manchester Ink Link
Hassan endorses Craig | Manchester Ink Link
Manchester Ink Link recognized for excellence in journalism at 2020 NH Press Association Awards | Manchester Ink Link
Top NH Dems thrilled with Kamala Harris pick as Veep
NH GOP calls Biden-Harris ticket out of touch with NH.
West High principal: Graduating is ‘one of the first steps in your journey to greatness’ | Manchester Ink Link
“The diversity of experience, perspective, and culture is one of Central’s greatest strengths’ | Manchester Ink Link
Memorial High principal to graduates: ‘You reinvigorated the human spirit in my world’ | Manchester Ink Link
Manchester School of Technology Class of 2022: A day of milestones and memories | Manchester Ink Link
If you didn’t make it to CelebratED! Saturday at Veterans Park, here’s what you missed | Manchester Ink Link
Cruising Downtown celebrates 20 years of classic cars, honors founding father Ron Fournier | Manchester Ink Link
New school year, new turf at Memorial High School, part of ‘long overdue’ athletic complex makeover | Manchester Ink Link
Practice makes football players: Manchester’s teams prepare for 2021 season openers | Manchester Ink Link
A lack of cooks could close another Manchester icon | Manchester Ink Link
State’s Housing Stability work group releases strategic 3-year plan ‘to end homelessness in NH’ | Manchester Ink Link
Juror’s cell phone search in Black Lives Matter case causes mistrial | Manchester Ink Link
Ink Link team earns 10 NH Press Association awards | Manchester Ink Link
IRS weighs in on NH Liquor Commission’s cash sales policy | Manchester Ink Link
Boy Scouts organization salutes Liz Hitchcock for strength in leadership | Manchester Ink Link
New Hampshire Congressional Delegation’s responses to the situation in Afghanistan | Manchester Ink Link
Memorial’s Class of 2021 closes a dark chapter with light | Manchester Ink Link
Manchester’s West High School celebrates class of 2021 | Manchester Ink Link
Manchester School of Technology graduates 65 and says farewell to 15-year principal | Manchester Ink Link
‘Go Central Pride’: Manchester Central High School class of 2021 turn their tassels, say goodbye to 7-year principal | Manchester Ink Link
Vaccarezza: The success of Central students ‘has been my greatest accomplishment’ | Manchester Ink Link
Manchester homelessness director to roll out housing initiatives and website for info, resources | Manchester Ink Link
Restaurants try to navigate back to ‘normal’ | Manchester Ink Link
Vaccinations accelerate at NH Motor Speedway super site | Manchester Ink Link
West Side Angels Youth Soccer League shed vandalized again | Manchester Ink Link
From Trinidad to the Queen City, The Wild Orchid ‘makes it happen’ | Manchester Ink Link
Homeless in Manchester: What happens on the day after tomorrow?
When asked on Thursday, Gov. Sununu did not directly respond to what will happen Monday when the state’s notice of eviction expires, or the day after tomorrow to those people, and hundreds of…
Photo gallery: Picture perfect weather for a CMC Queen City Marathon
Annual marathon went off under big blue skies Sunday.
Homeless in Manchester: Every person has a story
Wesley Searles is 80. He says he’s been homeless since being evicted from his Amherst Street apartment eight weeks ago for hoarding.
‘It feels smart in my heart’: How the regulars boost a local restaurant during COVID-19
Liolios acknowledges that her business model—keeping prices low and cultivating an intimate family-like atmosphere with little turnover in her restaurant—contradicts the capitalist playbook.
Trump returns to NH for late campaign pitch
In what may be his final trip to New Hampshire, President Donald Trump returned to the Granite State on Sunday to fire up thousands of supporters as Election Day quickly approaches.
Tia’s Salon U: Sparkle on a mission, to reveal beauty inside and out
For Tia Elie, it’s about her devotion to an almost divine belief that every woman deserves to feel beautiful. “Once you feel beautiful on the outside, you start to feel it on the inside,” she said.…
Challenges and uncertainty as New Hampshire plans a return to school
These guidelines, however, still leave the legal issue of school district liability wide open.
City mural artists painting the town beautiful
The mural is one of half a dozen works commissioned by the Neighborworks Center City neighborhood group. Erica Brooks of Neighborworks reached out to Dittbenner based on the work she had done on a …
Police Chief Capano announces his retirement effective Sept. 30
Manchester Police Chief Carlo Capano on Tuesday announced his retirement from the Manchester Police Department after nearly 25 years.
Alley Cat Pizzeria: New owners spruce up but won’t be messing with great-grandma’s crowd-pleasing recipe
Darryl Erickson, the husband of Red Arrow Diner owner Carol Lawrence, and their nephew Eliot Lawrence purchased the business on July 3 from Jennifer Liane, who had owned it for the past seven years…
UPDATE: Fire fighters battle blaze on Spruce Street, 12 families displaced
The fire quickly was elevated to three alarms and the area was blocked off to traffic by Manchester Police.
Spruce Street fire: Capturing the devastation and thankful no one was trapped while ‘staying in place’
Stacy Harrison felt compelled to go toward the fire and capture the moment.
Rising to the Challenge: Coaches give back through Manchester Little League’s adaptive baseball program
Friends since their days playing baseball together at Memorial High School, Nick Sullivan, 20, Mason Gilmartin, 21, and Scott Clark, 20, are New Hampshire natives making a difference for baseball p…
Democrats say unity in 2020 is critical to oust Trump: ‘We’re in a battle for the soul of this nation’
Highlights from the 2019 Democratic convention and all 19 candidates.
Scenes from Manchester Community College 2019 Commencement
Graduation night at Manchester Community College, a tribute to hard work and perseverance.
Scenes from a campaign rally: Presidential welcome for Trump in New Hampshire
Scenes from Trump’s rally in New Hampshire on Aug. 28.
Fact-checking 20 claims from Friday’s Trump Rally
There was plenty said by President Donald Trump in his visit to New Hampshire on Friday. We took a closer look at 20 of the claims he made during his speech.
Trump rally preview: Change in venue, parking update as supporters gather, volunteers prepare
A last-minute change in venue for President Trump’s Friday night rally in Manchester and a bit of confusion over where to park are part of the day-long preparations for tonight’s presid…
Trump on the attack in MHT trip
President Donald Trump attacked Democrats and China while touting achievements during his first term in his Friday trip to New Hampshire
Aug. 28: Trump rally set for Manchester day after Republican National Convention
President Trump will land in Manchester at the PeriCohas Hangar on Perimeter Road around 6 p.m. on Friday.
Two Trump campaign Events Set for Thursday, July 30 in NH
There are two events focused on President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign for New Hampshire on Thursday, July 30, according to Nina McLaughlin, the RNC spokesperson for Maine and New Hampshire.…
Tickets for Trump July 11 campaign rally in Portsmouth
President Donald Trump will hold an outdoor campaign rally Saturday, July 11 at 8 p.m. at the Portsmouth International Airport at Pease.
Sanders claims victory in Iowa, credits grassroots support for NH momentum
Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed victory in the Iowa Caucuses Thursday saying now that 97 percent of the precincts have reported his campaign was winning the popular initial vote by some 6,000 votes.
Memorial High School graduation A to Z
This was not a typical high school graduation, but it might not have happened at all. In March Manchester schools were closed because of the COVID crisis. As the spring wore on it became clear that…
‘Night to Shine’ prom a magical experience for all
The annual event is made possible through the Tim Tebow Foundation and allows those who otherwise might not get to go to prom a magical experience.
LISTEN: Yang’s closing remarks at youth town hall on climate and energy
CONCORD, NH — Closing remarks by Andrew Yang during Wednesday’s NH Youth Climate and Clean Energy Town Hall touched on his “why” — he’s running for president to make sure th…
NH Dems ready to party with their favorite candidates at convention
Manchester is party central as host to the NH Democratic Party Convention at the SNHU Arena.
Buttigieg unveils ‘Healing and Belonging in America’ healthcare plan
On Friday, Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg unveiled his $100 billion plan to increase services to those with mental health and substance abuse issues and, that afternoon, he was ta…
Manchester Warren office broken into
Andrew Taverrite, the campaign’s communications director in New Hampshire, has that the break-in was likely not politically motivated and that the campaign is working with police to investiga…
New Hampshire’s racial justice organizers call for better education, reform
While not all activists agree on exactly what change would look like in New Hampshire, most mentioned a few specific areas that need to be improved: education and police accountability and policy. …
Despite COVID risks, thousands across new hampshire protest killing of George Floyd
The risk of transmitting and catching the novel coronavirus has shuttered schools, emptied businesses and kept the public socially distant for months. And yet, for more than seven days, thousands of people have been showing up in New Hampshire and...
Hundreds come together at Stark Park in unity, emotions raw ‘to overrun the haters with love’
A community vigil at Stark Park became an emotional and peaceful journey, and a call for healing and justice for all.
In a world of protests, Manchester braces itself while laying foundation for peaceful progress
Manchester on Tuesday was taking steps to prepare for potential protests amid rumors of riots that had been swirling over the weekend on social media.
Arraignment: Father and son accused of provoking group of protesters before pulling out guns
The truck, which had a large Trump 2020 flag in its bed, then turned and parked in the entrance of the parking lot at 450 Valley St., across the street from the police station. Police officers hear…
Police: Man with Trump flag on truck drives by protesters outside police station, pulls gun, gets arrested
A peaceful sit-in by Black Lives Matters protesters outside the Manchester Police Department Saturday was interrupted when a truck displaying a large Trump flag drove by the group at about 1:30 p.m. A confrontation between the truck’s driver and the group ended with a gun threat and two arrests.
Sununu praises peaceful George Floyd protests, but warns against violence
Gov. Chris Sununu danced a careful line in response to the national protests following the death of George Floyd, praising peaceful demonstrators but warning against potential violence and looting.At a press conference Monday, Sununu started out his...
Beyond the Black Lives Matter rally: A community call to action to mend what’s been broken for too long
“I understand the frustration, and I’m not trying to say their feelings or emotions or anger aren’t justified. But what happened [at Manchester Police headquarters] shows that there’s a clear disco…
Despite COVID risks, thousands across new hampshire protest killing of George Floyd
The risk of transmitting and catching the novel coronavirus has shuttered schools, emptied businesses and kept the public socially distant for months. And yet, for more than seven days, thousands of people have been showing up in New Hampshire and...
Police: Man with Trump flag on truck drives by protesters outside police station, pulls gun, gets arrested
A peaceful sit-in by Black Lives Matters protesters outside the Manchester Police Department Saturday ended with a confrontation with two apparent Trump supporters, one of whom pulled out a gun, ac…
Manchester police: Man with Trump flag on truck drives by protesters, pulls gun, gets arrested
MANCHESTER, NH – A peaceful sit-in by Black Lives Matters protesters outside the Manchester Police Department Saturday was interrupted when a truck
More than 1,000 rally in Manchester during Black Lives Matter march
More than 1,000 people took to the streets Saturday morning as part of a peaceful protest against the killings of unarmed black men around the country.
Black Lives Matter: Mighty Forces | Manchester Ink Link
Reaction to President Trump impeachment
The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved two articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump charging the president with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Pregaming the ‘Keep America Great’ rally
Tents were pitched, concession stands were erected, and pro-Trump signage was everywhere, with a vibe more in line with pregaming a Pats’ game or a rock concert, than a presidential rally.
Trump draws thunderous cheers at Manchester rally
The president stayed on message in his 94-minute address that was laced with equally robust roars of approval and predictable boos of distaste from the men, women, and children in the audience.
NH to receive $57.9 million of $1.8 billion released by U.S. DHHS for opioid crisis
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced more than $1.8 billion in funding to states to continue the Trump administration’s efforts to combat the opioid crisis by expanding …
Top 20 stories on Manchester Ink Link in 2019
A look back at Manchester Ink Link’s top stories in 2019.
An open letter to New Hampshire’s 2020 graduates
There is a long road ahead for all of us, but our country has prevailed through challenging times before, and we will do so again. One day, I hope that you look back at the way you grappled with th…
Painting o’ the green: Shamrock street art ready for 25th annual St. Patrick’s Parade
The 25th Anniversary St. Patrick’s Parade will be held on Sunday, March 29 at noon. The parade route runs along Elm Street from Salmon Street to Auburn Street.
Trump: ‘We are going to win New Hampshire by a landslide’
“A lot of Republicans tomorrow will vote for the weakest candidate,” Mr. Trump said. “My only problem is I’m trying to figure out who is the weakest candidate. I think they’re all weak.”…
Election Q&A with UNH Political Science Professor Dante Scala
On Tuesday, Manchester Ink Link sat down with University of New Hampshire Political Science Professor Dante Scala and got his take on a number of election-related topics. Here’s what he told …
Waiting for Trump
More than a day and a half ahead of schedule, Trump supporters positioned themselves outside the SNHU Arena in downtown Manchester. They were bundled up and prepared for a cold night in anticipatio…
Feb. 10: Tickets for Trump Rally at the SNHU Arena
Tickets are available for the Feb. 10 rally at SNHU Arena.
Feb. 4: Late night at the Currier for a live State of the Union watch party with Bernie Sanders
The public is invited to this ticketed event. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Sanders is expected to deliver his response at 10:30 p.m. before a live audience.
Why I Support Joe Biden
Perhaps most important, Joe Biden cares about people. You see it when he looks at you. You see it when he meets people. He is genuine. I’ve seen it in every campaign event or stop I’ve …
Sanders calls for ‘political revolution’ to defeat ‘dangerous’ Trump
Bernie Sanders calls on Manchester supporters for the NHPrimary win.
Memorial Day 2019: Parade time, ceremony and other regional events
Parades everywhere.
Scenes from Manchester’s Memorial Day Parade 2019
It was a picture perfect day for a parade on Elm Street.
22 Manchester seniors honored for embarking on ‘journey of patriotism’
On June 6 the school district honored 22 students who will be serving in the military following high school graduation.
Sept. 12 | Primarily New Hampshire
The third Dem debate is upon us, as are the candidates, bouncing off last weekend’s convention.
Aug. 21| Primarily NH – highlights from the presidential campaign trail
Highlights from the Presidential Primary campaign trail.
Penmen survive Greyhounds 4-3 in Game 1, Henrie comes in clutch
Southern New Hampshire University relied on utility player Sam Henrie with what looked like the final at-bat before extra innings in an electric start to this East Regional II tournament.
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